Switch on your headlights before sunset.
Many accidents occur after the sun has set but before night has fallen. To make your car more noticeable to other drivers, switch on your headlights at least one-half hour before sunset. Many drivers fail to do this because they do not see any better with their lights on. However, the point of switching on your lights is not to see better, but to be seen.
Be careful on wet roads.
When roads are wet, your car can fall victim to “hydroplaning” — skidding on water. If this happens, you can lose control of your car just as badly as if you were on ice. Do not slam on your brakes, because that can cause an even more severe skid. Instead, slowly bring your car to a halt turning the steering wheel in the direction the rear end of the car is skidding.
Take plenty of breaks on long trips.
It is very easy to fall asleep when you are driving long distances, and that can be fatal. Be sure to stop every two hours or each 100 miles and take a break. Heavy meals can make you drowsy, so eat light snacks along the way and wait until you are finished driving to eat dinner.
Speed limits can vary.
If you are on a road with a speed limit of fifty-five miles per hour, for example, and the weather is wet and foggy, you must slow down. The top speed you should drive under those conditions may be only twenty-five or thirty miles per hour. If you cause an accident because you are driving faster than that, even though the posted speed limit is fifty-five miles per hour, you could find yourself in a lot of trouble.
Check the rear view mirror if you stop suddenly.
If someone slams into the rear end of your car at high speed, the accident may be all their fault, but the injuries will be all yours. If you are forced to stop suddenly, check your rear view mirror. You may have just enough time to steer clear of what is coming up behind you.
Wear your seat belts at all times.
In spite of all precautions you take, accidents can still occur. To reduce injuries in a collision, never drive or ride in a car without first buckling your seat belt. Be certain all others in your car have their seat belts fastened also. Infants and young children should always ride in child safety seats.